Displacement memory effect near the horizon of black holes


We study the displacement memory e ect and its connection with theextended-BMS symmetries near the horizon of black holes. We show there is a perma-nent shift in the geodesic deviation vector relating two nearby timelike geodesics placedclose to the horizon of black holes, upon the passage of gravitational waves. We also relatethismemorye ect with the asymptotic symmetries near the horizon of asymptotic blackhole spacetimes. The shift of the relative position of the detectors is shown to be inducedby a combination of BMS generators near the horizon. The displacement memory e ectnear the horizon possesses similarities to the same obtained in the far region.

In Journal of High Energy Physics
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Shailesh Kumar
Shailesh Kumar
Postdoctoral Fellow

I am currently working as a Post-Docotral Fellow (N-PDF) at the Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, India. My research interest encompasses various aspects of gravitation theory, broadly black holes and gravitational waves. I am currently working on projects related to black hole perturbation techniques, extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs), tidal effects and post-Newtonian framework. My work during the PhD provides an understanding of the gravitational memory effect emerging near the horizon of black holes and its connection with asymptotic symmetries. I am also exploring the possibilities to have observational signatures of such symmetries.